Veterans For Peace & friends:
Please set aside a couple of hours of your Saturday morning to attend to chapter business and enjoy the fellowship at our breakfast meeting, 17 December, 0800, at the Back Room of the Silverbow, 2nd Street between Main and Seward. Here's a partial agenda:
- Chapter officers' election status report.
- Proposed amendment of bylaws to split the position of Secretary-Treasurer into two separate positions.
- The Chapter's "What I Heard About Iraq" dramatic production project - progress report and discussion.
- VFP Convention 2006 (Seattle) planning and chapter participation.
- SEATIR (SouthEast Alaska Truth In Recruiting) Chapter project - progress report and discussion.
- Report on the 7 December Veterans' Forum in Anchorage.
- Chapter website development report.
- News from VFP around Alaska - membership, new chapter development, actions. *
Please take special note of the bylaw amendment proposal (2nd item above); this constitutes the notice that is required in the Chapter bylaws. If you can't attend the meeting, members may submit a vote on this matter by email, to me or to Sec'y-Treas. Don Birdseye, not later than Friday night 16 Dec.
Let's Wage Peace over bagels and coffee!
John Dunker
President, VFP Chapter #100