Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Appeal For Redress

Check out the website for Appeal for Redress by clicking the title of this post

The following is an excerpt:

Many active duty, reserve, and guard service members are concerned about the war in Iraq and support the withdrawal of U.S. troops. The Appeal for Redress provides a way in which individual service members can appeal to their Congressional Representative and US Senators to urge an end to the U.S. military occupation. The first Appeal signatures messages will be were delivered to members of Congress on January 16, to coincide with at the time of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January 2007.

The wording of the Appeal for Redress is short and simple. It is patriotic and respectful in tone.

As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq . Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home.

Appeal For Redress

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Minutes Ernest Gruening Chapter Meeting

Veterans for Peace
Anchorage Ernest Gruening Chapter
Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2007

The Ernest Gruening Chapter of Veterans for Peace met Thursday, February 22, 2007, at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. People at the meeting were Jon Lockert, Bill Bartee, Dustin Farnum, Van Waggoner, Bill Goodell, Peggy Cobey, Margaret Anderson, Dagmar Mikko, Ron McGee, Curtis Lester.

Curtis Lester announced that the local chapter has a balance of $90 in its account. At this time, no dues are being collected from local members.

President Jon Lockert talked about the coalition of peace groups that are planning activities for the fourth anniversary of the Iraq War on March 17. The group decided to volunteer to put on a ceremony honoring Alaskan military members who have died in the Iraq War. Jon Lockert said the coalition group is accepting donations to purchase an ad in the Anchorage Daily News prior to the weekend.

The group thanked Dagmar Mikko for organizing a meeting with U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. The meeting went well and received considerable media coverage. Dagmar Mikko urged everyone to keep the pressure on Senator Murkowski by sending her letters and emails urging her to vote against the war.

Dagmar Mikko said the blood drive the group is sponsoring is scheduled for March 20 in the parking lot of the Key Bank Building on the corner of Benson Boulevard and A Street. She is looking for 48 people who will donate blood at the drive and passed out sign-up sheets.

President Jon Lockert said that he had met with people involved with Military Families Speak Out. He urged the chapter to some how get involved with dependants of service members serving in the war. The chapter agreed it was good idea to sponsor some type function for Military
Families Speak Out.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 8, at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. A special thanks is appropriate for St. Mary’s Episcopal Church for allowing the chapter to meet each month in its meeting rooms.

Ron McGee
Ernest Gruening Chapter
Veterans for Peace

Friday, February 23, 2007

GIs Petition Congress To End Iraq War

CBS News Online

NYTimes.com: Long Iraq Tours Can Make Home a Trying Front

NATIONAL | February 23, 2007
Long Iraq Tours Can Make Home a Trying Front
For many soldiers and their families, the repercussions of deployments are one of the toughest, least discussed byproducts of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Juneau Rally at Capitol an Noon, 2/22

Vets and Friends,

This is just a reminder of our rally (see below). The idea is to gather at the Capitol at Noon and to lend our voices to the chorus of voices from all across the world who are demanding an end to the ongoing tragedy in Iraq. “We are the deciders…” said Molly Ivins – and so, let us together convey our decision to the public and to elected officials. There will be an open microphone and all are invited to share a few words and thoughts on the imperative of Peace in Iraq. No more occupation. No more escalation. And no invasion of Iran!

We will be respectful, but firm. Please try to come.


~Phil Smith

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Delivery of Letters to Sen. Murkowski on Feb. 22 at Noon


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2007 907-351-2710

Anchorage Tells Senator Murkowski & Congress: ‘Stop the Escalation in Iraq

Events Nationwide Reject Escalation &

Urge Responsible Redeployment of American Troops

Members Deliver Thousands of Letters to Congress at District Offices

ANCHORAGE—On Thursday. February 22nd, MoveOn members in Anchorage will deliver hundreds of letters with the message, “You’re the Decider” -- urging Senator Murkowski to stop blocking debate on the president’s plan to escalate the war in Iraq and to take action to Stop him. This event follows on the heels of Republicans once again blocking debate and a vote on a non-binding resolution opposing the president’s escalation.

Senator Murkowski is the decider. She must stop the president from escalating the war,” said Harry Brod. MoveOn member in Anchorage, Alaska. “The majority of Congress opposes the escalation. Senator Murkowski must stop blocking the debate on the war. Congress must stop the escalation and bring our troops home,” Brod concluded.

The letters were written during 1200 nationwide screenings of Ground Truth last week, when Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) addressed tens of thousands of MoveOn members across the country, online, in an effort to help block President Bush’s attempt to escalate his failed policy in Iraq.

WHAT: MoveOn members and Alaska residents deliver letters to Senator Murkowski

WHEN: Thursday, February 22nd, 2007


WHERE: Senator Murkowski’s district office

510 L Street, Suite 550, Anchorage, Alaska


These events are held in coordination with Americans Against Escalation in Iraq (AAEI). AAEI includes the Service Employees International Union, MoveOn.org Political Action, VoteVets.org, Center for American Progress Action Fund, USAction, Win Without War, Campaign for America’s Future, Progressive States Network, Campus Progress, TrueMajority, Working Assets and the United States Student Association.

Admitting to Error in Judgment

Recently I sent an attempt at making light on Don Young's recent reckless words regarding those in congress opposing the war in Iraq.

Upon reflection, I see I allowed myself to get sucked in to lowering my standards for political discourse.

Don Young used the word execute and in trying to be clever I echoed his language. I tried for tongue-in-cheek but looking back this was a mistake.

As a long-standing opponent of the death penalty and a person dedicated to ending the war in Iraq, “playing” with such words is just plain wrong.

I apologize if I encouraged anyone to go down the low road. The high road to peace is traveled by respecting the sacredness of life. The biggest challenge in life is maintaining our principles, especially in regard to those with whom we most disagree, like one of our very own politicians.

We have a long struggle ahead of us as we try to build a more peaceful world. Let us not provide those who disagree with us any examples of poor judgment.

Note: I have written in the past about whether stuff talked about on the internet or on the phone is monitored. It may just be a coincidence, but on Sunday (after the posting discussed above) while talking on my cell phone, I heard a strange echo that I had never heard before. It probably was nothing, but we should assume that the communications amongst the political opposition might be monitored. I hope I am not suffering from grandiose thinking about anybody caring about what I have to say. However, at least for karma’s sake, I encourage everyone to keep to our high standards of thought and action.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Don Young Inspries

I am sure every one of you is as outraged as I am about Don Young's comments
about those who question our great leader's plan? for spreading democracy.
Don't they have a civics test for folks in Congress? Is it time to license
our pols so we can stop unsafe pols from voting and getting innocent people

I think we need to turn this into a fund raiser for the Alaska Peace Coalition.

Here are some bumper sticker/t-shirt/yard sign ideas. I plan to print one out
and tape it to my Diane Benson yard sign.

Let me know what you think:



I will publish the best suggestions (non-profane only). Then we can vote and
have some t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc. made up for sale. Feel free to send
to Don at his office:

How much longer are we going to be mis-represented by this guy?

2111 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

(202) 225-5765 - Phone (202) 225-0425 - Fax

>From Don's Home Page (I hope all the corporate donors don't forget to
resend!) We would hate to have them forgotten.


We have experienced a major computer problem and have lost all requests that
were emailed to Congressman Young. We are attempting to recover the files
but in case we are unable to, we ask that you please resend your requests as
soon as you can. They should be emailed to Pamela.Day@mail.house.gov with
"DY Approps Request" in the subject line.

Jon Lockert

Don Young's Words on War

This following is copied directly from Don Young's website:

February 16, 2007

Washington, D.C. – Congressman for All Alaska Don Young voted NO today on
House Concurrent Resolution 63, the Iraq War Resolution. This non-binding
resolution seeks to make a statement disapproving of the decision of the
President, announced on January 10, 2007, to deploy more than 20,000
additional United States combat troops to Iraq.

“I do not believe that denying our troops the help they need is the best way
to deal with the present situation,” stated Congressman Young. “An increase
in troops never sounds ideal; it’s too close to the heart. But I believe in
the Generals running our military, and our Commander in Chief, and I believe
we must provide them with what they deem necessary to finish the job we are
there to do! You can’t deny our troops the funding, and the equipment, and
the back-up that they require to do their job right. They need and deserve
our support. Our elected leaders should not be so irresponsible as to issue
statements that harm the morale of our military, fighting courageously
overseas. We must continue to let them do their job, and fight towards an
Iraq that can be run by and secured by the Iraqi people. This is why I could
not in good conscience support this resolution. Instead, I choose to support
our men and women in the military.”

My comments after quotes from above:

"But I believe in the Generals running our military, and our Commander in
Chief, and I believe we must provide them with what they deem necessary to
finish the job we are there to do!" WHICH IS WHAT?

"We must continue to let them do their job, and fight towards an Iraq that
can be run by and secured by the Iraqi people." FIGHTING TOWARDS AN IRAQ??

If you would like to send Don a message, go to


This is what I sent:

The ADN, in conclusion, opines :

"...Rep. Young has embarrassed Alaskans once again with a hyperventilated
attack on his congressional opposites. If there's a lawmaker who is
sabotaging the nation's sacred values in this debate, it's Rep. Young.

BOTTOM LINE: There's nothing wrong with dissent. It's not a crime."

My take: The ADN lets you off easy. If your words reflect your thinking about
how democracy works, it is high time you resign.

Jon Lockert

Friday, February 16, 2007

VFP Chapter Update for Feb. 16

We are now an official chapter after the National Board meeting in early February. Thanks to everyone who joined up and a special thanks to the vets who went the extra step and got certified by submitting proof of service.

We have been busy planning for all the upcoming events (see below) leading up to the 4th Anniversary of the Iraq War on March 20.

First I want to acknowledge VFP member Jim O’Toole and the folks who helped at the Military Family Fun Day held at Chugiak High on Feb.10. The VFP members who helped out were Lynn Price, Gail Johnson, Dusty Farnum and myself. The families really appreciated having folks from the community reaching out to them.

Thanks to Lynn Price we have a standing meeting time and place—2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7 pm at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church at Tudor & Lake Otis. We will meet downstairs in Room #3. Thanks to Michael Burke at St. Mary’s for the generous use of their space. So we will see you all on the 22nd.

Upcoming Events

o Alaska Peace Coalition Meeting, Sat. Feb. 17 4:30 pm Home of Bill Bartee & Judy Moss

o Meeting with Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Tue. Feb. 20, afternoon

o Meeting with Rep. Don Young (organized thru Move On), Th. Feb 22, afternoon

o VFP Chapter Meeting, Th, Feb 22, 7 pm St. Mary’s

o Planning Meeting for 4th Anniv. Mon, Feb 26, 6 pm Café Felix

o Dahr Jamail, Indep. Journalist covering the Iraq War (see dahr jamail iraq), Sat. Mar. 10, Time & Place TBD

o Peace Demonstration March 17th, Time & Place TBD

o Blood Drive sponsored by VFP, March 20th, 8 am to 2 pm

o Antonia Juhasz see the bush agenda/, Mar 2? TBD see

For more details on any of these events, see the Peace Events calendar below.

Jon Lockert, 250-4986


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

VFP Meeting Agenda, Feb. 8 7 pm

Vets for Peace, Ernest Gruening Chapter (Southcentral Alaska), Meeting Agenda

Thursday, Feb. 8, 7 pm, Ron McGee’s home: ( 786-4184 )

  1. Introductions & Reports
    1. Exec. Comm
    2. Local & National Demonstration Jan. 27

  1. Status of Chapter
    1. Official chapter status after National board meeting in Feb.
    2. Discuss Bylaw

  1. Upcoming Events
    1. February 20 – Visit Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s office, 2:00 to 2:45 pm

i. Lots of resources can be found here, including sample letters:

ii. http://www.declarationofpeace.org/view/events


    1. March 17th - the 4th anniversary of the U.S. military assault on Iraq and the beginning of what has turned into one of this nation's longest military engagements. Four years of war and occupation; four years of death and destruction; four years of a war that never should have happened
    2. Planning meetings for both events with other groups at Café Felix (Benson Blvd) on

i. Thurs. 2/15 6-7 pm and

ii. Tues. 2/26 6-7 pm

  1. Support for families
    1. Muni

i. Fun Day for Military Families at Chugiak High School on Feb 10th, 1-4pm event.:

    1. Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA)

  1. Counter Recruitment/GI Rights- Cheryl Hilmes
    1. Need committee to meet with folks already doing this

  1. Strategic Plan
    1. Exec committee

  1. Next Meeting on Feb ?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Antonia Juhasz

speaker who is coming to Alaska in March, right after the 4th Anniv of Iraq War. Her name is Antonia Juhasz and her books can be found on the link below.


Here is a note from Rich Moniak, a peace activist in Juneau

I'd like to suggest we get Anchorage in the loop. Providing Antonia is up for it of course, and it fits into the schedule for the groups there.

Travel through Anchorage is a necessity no matter what we in Juneau and Fairbanks work out as a team. We can maximize the travel cost by using a 3-city saver award, San Francisco, Juneau, Anchorage and SF. The RT fare from Anchorage to Fairbanks is about $250.

I am thinking an arrival in Juneau Wed, speaking on Thurs here, Fri morning to Anchorage, and Sat or Sun, back to Anchorage no later than Sunday for a flight south to SF Monday.

I've checked and there are savers available leaving SF on the 3/21st and returning on the 3/26th. We'll be transferring miles to one account here at a cost of about $125-$200. I can arrange the tickets with the flexibility of no cost to any changes. We can discuss among us how to share the cost, but overall, we'd be getting a great low cost deal for a superb speaker on an important subject.

We will need to make decisions quickly so we don't lose the saver window, so please discuss this as soon as possible and get back to me.

Rich Moniak


Jon Lockert


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Ernest Gruening Chapter General Membership Meeting – Jan. 25, 2007


The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours inside the Golden Corral Restaurant.

A motion was made and seconded to appoint a slate of officers for the chapter. Jon Lockert was nominated for the president’s position. Jim O’Toole was nominated for the vice president’s position. Ron McGee was nominated for the secretary’s position. Judy Moss was nominated for the treasurer’s position. The membership voted unanimously for the slate of officers.

Judy Moss announced that a Web site is maintained to announce when local, like-minded organizations have scheduled activities. The Web site address is http://alaskapeacecalendar.blogspot.com/ Also see the Alaska Peace Coalition at http://alaskans4peace.blogspot.com

Judy Moss announced that members of the local chapter are invited to join in an anti-war protest that is scheduled for 1230 hours on Saturday, June 27, at the intersection of Lake Otis Parkway and 36th Avenue. Ernest Gruening chapter members will be joining others from like-minded organizations in the protest march. The protest march will coincide with protest marches that are scheduled in Washington, D.C. and many other cities in the U.S.

Judy Moss announced that she will be sponsoring a gathering for Ernest Gruening Chapter members and members from other like-minded organizations at her home on Feb. 17. Members should phone Judy if they want to attend the meeting.

Dagmar Mikko asked if the Ernest Gruening Chapter would sponsor the blood drive she is planning for Tuesday, March 20. A motion was made and seconded to sponsor the blood drive. The members voted unanimously to sponsor the blood drive. Dagmar Mikko said she will provide further details about the blood drive at subsequent meetings.

The meeting was adjourned at 2010 hours. The next meeting is scheduled for 1900 hours on Thursday, Feb. 8, at Ron McGee’s home. McGee said he would email members with instructions on how to reach his home.