Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Delivery of Letters to Sen. Murkowski on Feb. 22 at Noon


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2007 907-351-2710

Anchorage Tells Senator Murkowski & Congress: ‘Stop the Escalation in Iraq

Events Nationwide Reject Escalation &

Urge Responsible Redeployment of American Troops

Members Deliver Thousands of Letters to Congress at District Offices

ANCHORAGE—On Thursday. February 22nd, MoveOn members in Anchorage will deliver hundreds of letters with the message, “You’re the Decider” -- urging Senator Murkowski to stop blocking debate on the president’s plan to escalate the war in Iraq and to take action to Stop him. This event follows on the heels of Republicans once again blocking debate and a vote on a non-binding resolution opposing the president’s escalation.

Senator Murkowski is the decider. She must stop the president from escalating the war,” said Harry Brod. MoveOn member in Anchorage, Alaska. “The majority of Congress opposes the escalation. Senator Murkowski must stop blocking the debate on the war. Congress must stop the escalation and bring our troops home,” Brod concluded.

The letters were written during 1200 nationwide screenings of Ground Truth last week, when Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) addressed tens of thousands of MoveOn members across the country, online, in an effort to help block President Bush’s attempt to escalate his failed policy in Iraq.

WHAT: MoveOn members and Alaska residents deliver letters to Senator Murkowski

WHEN: Thursday, February 22nd, 2007


WHERE: Senator Murkowski’s district office

510 L Street, Suite 550, Anchorage, Alaska


These events are held in coordination with Americans Against Escalation in Iraq (AAEI). AAEI includes the Service Employees International Union, MoveOn.org Political Action, VoteVets.org, Center for American Progress Action Fund, USAction, Win Without War, Campaign for America’s Future, Progressive States Network, Campus Progress, TrueMajority, Working Assets and the United States Student Association.

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