Wednesday, February 07, 2007

VFP Meeting Agenda, Feb. 8 7 pm

Vets for Peace, Ernest Gruening Chapter (Southcentral Alaska), Meeting Agenda

Thursday, Feb. 8, 7 pm, Ron McGee’s home: ( 786-4184 )

  1. Introductions & Reports
    1. Exec. Comm
    2. Local & National Demonstration Jan. 27

  1. Status of Chapter
    1. Official chapter status after National board meeting in Feb.
    2. Discuss Bylaw

  1. Upcoming Events
    1. February 20 – Visit Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s office, 2:00 to 2:45 pm

i. Lots of resources can be found here, including sample letters:


    1. March 17th - the 4th anniversary of the U.S. military assault on Iraq and the beginning of what has turned into one of this nation's longest military engagements. Four years of war and occupation; four years of death and destruction; four years of a war that never should have happened
    2. Planning meetings for both events with other groups at Café Felix (Benson Blvd) on

i. Thurs. 2/15 6-7 pm and

ii. Tues. 2/26 6-7 pm

  1. Support for families
    1. Muni

i. Fun Day for Military Families at Chugiak High School on Feb 10th, 1-4pm event.:

    1. Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA)

  1. Counter Recruitment/GI Rights- Cheryl Hilmes
    1. Need committee to meet with folks already doing this

  1. Strategic Plan
    1. Exec committee

  1. Next Meeting on Feb ?

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