Sunday, February 25, 2007

Minutes Ernest Gruening Chapter Meeting

Veterans for Peace
Anchorage Ernest Gruening Chapter
Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2007

The Ernest Gruening Chapter of Veterans for Peace met Thursday, February 22, 2007, at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. People at the meeting were Jon Lockert, Bill Bartee, Dustin Farnum, Van Waggoner, Bill Goodell, Peggy Cobey, Margaret Anderson, Dagmar Mikko, Ron McGee, Curtis Lester.

Curtis Lester announced that the local chapter has a balance of $90 in its account. At this time, no dues are being collected from local members.

President Jon Lockert talked about the coalition of peace groups that are planning activities for the fourth anniversary of the Iraq War on March 17. The group decided to volunteer to put on a ceremony honoring Alaskan military members who have died in the Iraq War. Jon Lockert said the coalition group is accepting donations to purchase an ad in the Anchorage Daily News prior to the weekend.

The group thanked Dagmar Mikko for organizing a meeting with U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. The meeting went well and received considerable media coverage. Dagmar Mikko urged everyone to keep the pressure on Senator Murkowski by sending her letters and emails urging her to vote against the war.

Dagmar Mikko said the blood drive the group is sponsoring is scheduled for March 20 in the parking lot of the Key Bank Building on the corner of Benson Boulevard and A Street. She is looking for 48 people who will donate blood at the drive and passed out sign-up sheets.

President Jon Lockert said that he had met with people involved with Military Families Speak Out. He urged the chapter to some how get involved with dependants of service members serving in the war. The chapter agreed it was good idea to sponsor some type function for Military
Families Speak Out.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 8, at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. A special thanks is appropriate for St. Mary’s Episcopal Church for allowing the chapter to meet each month in its meeting rooms.

Ron McGee
Ernest Gruening Chapter
Veterans for Peace

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