Saturday, November 17, 2007

the Marlboro Marine

My friend Tom sent this to me:

This is a video from the LA Times "the Marlboro Marine" that tells a bit of the story of one Marine from Kentuky's struggle with PTSD from an embeded reporter who knew him in Falluja and has tried to help him in the U.S. I found it poingiant and illuminating and I think that many vets and friends and families of vets will recognize the situation.,1,5613373.story?coll=la-news-marlboromarine&ctrack=1&cset=true

It leaves me thinking that we who have opposed the war since before it started are the ones who really supported our troops. We did not want to see friends and family members chumped, pimped and punked by moraly depraved, mentaly ill,profiteering, chicken hawks and judas goats. I am sorry that we were not able to mount enough of a resistance to keep them all safe at home with their friends and loved ones.
TakeCare BeWell DoGood Tom

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

VFP Meeting, 11/15 My House



I just found out from St. Mary’s that they do not have room for us on Thursday night. So I invite you all to my home at 7 pm on Thursday, 11/15.


I am at 1576 Karluk St (Fairview). Going east on 15th, make a right onto Karluk and then make the first right on to the little street Tyonek. Turn left at the first driveway—it is a log house with an attached garage.


Call me with any questions.


As for an agenda, let’s make this less formal and just talk about where we think we would like to take the chapter.


Jon Lockert, 250-4986

Breathe, smile & work for Peace