Monday, October 23, 2006

Vets for peace co-sponser of movie.

Alaskan's for Peace and Justice are showing the documentary film The Ground Truth on November 3 in room 118 in the social sciences building on the UAA campus.  It will start at 7:00 PM.  This film consist of interviews with soldiers that have been in combat in Iraq.
We've been asked to co-sponser this event.  I took the liberty to say yes to the request, so our name will show up as a co-sponser for the event. 

1 comment:

Spadoman said...

Hello. I am a Veteran and a member of Chapter #27, Minneapolis Veterans for Peace.

Thank you for all the courageous and good work you do.

Two weeks ago, I was in the small Eastern Wyoming town of Lusk. It is at the intersection of US 85 and US 20 highways.

I was in a truck stop restaurant and there was a bulletin board in the entryway. I saw a post card there that was from Veterans for Peace, Alaska. The post card was a little bit larger than a regular post card and it said:

Support the Troops

Mourn the Dead

Bring them Home

Are these cards from your chapter? If so, tell me how I can get some. I'll gladly pay what is needed.

May Peace prevail on Earth

spadoman1 at mac dot com