Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Vets For Peace Meeting, 1/25/2007 Golden Corral, 7 pm

Press, Vets & Supporters,


Vets for Peace, Ernest Gruening Chapter (South Central Alaska)

Thursday, Jan 25, 7 pm, Golden Corral (Buffet), C & Tudor (access off Tudor, east of C St.)



Here is the draft agenda for the meeting:


  1. Introductions & Reports
    1. Exec. Comm


  1. Status of Chapter
    1. As of mid-January, 12 members are certified (w/ DD214 or other ID)
    2. Official chapter status after National VFP board meeting in Feb.


  1. Upcoming Events
    1. National Demonstration Jan. 27

                                                    i.     Check United for Peace & Justice for details

                                                  ii.     Planning meeting with other groups on 2/23 7 pm

1.     Immanuel Presbyterian

2.     map2311 Pembroke St, Anchorage, AK


  1. Support for families
    1. Muni

                                                    i.     Fun Day for Military Families at Chugiak High School on Feb 10th, 1-4pm event.:

                                                  ii.     Dance Lessons/Dance – Jon will discuss at next meeting

    1. Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA)


  1. Counter Recruitment/GI Rights- Cheryl Hilmes
    1. Need committee to meet with folks already doing this


  1. Strategic Plan
    1. Exec committee


  1. Next Meeting on  Feb ?
    1. Meeting Time & Place: 7 pm Golden
    2. Anchorage or Valley?


  1. Peace Calendar
    1. Check out the events calendar at either of the first two blogs below




Tuesday, January 16, 2007

FW: Chapter Contacts - sample press release FOR YOU TO USE

Vets & Paul,


Here is sample press release I received from the national VFP office on the 1/27 actions.


If any of you are interested in working with the Alaska Peace Coalition (the group that met on 1/13) on the 1/27 action, please attend a meeting on Tuesday, 1/23 at the following location at 7 pm


click for map
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
   2311 Pembroke St.   Anchorage

Corner of 24th & Boniface, turn east then left around median and right on Pembroke, on the right.

I apologize to anyone getting this twice due to overlap between VFP and the Coalition.


From: Betsy Reznicek, VFP []
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 12:21 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Chapter Contacts - sample press release FOR YOU TO USE


Dear Chapter Contacts:

The following is a sample press release from United For Peace and Justice. It has been tailored to VFP and we encourage you to spread this message to whoever in your area is organizing people to go to Washington DC.

The time is now!

The nation is overwhelmingly against the escalation of troops in Iraq. Some members of Congress are beginning to openly question the war and it's legalities. The timing of a massive anti-war demonstration on January 27th could not be better!

The media is extremely interested in your plans for actions. Your role as veterans in the anti-war movement is priceless and we should be blasting our press with our message - "VETERANS SAY BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW!"

In hopes of getting lots of local media coverage that will help build for the January 27 march, here is a sample press release that can easily be modified to publicize your community's participation. You just need to replace the [brackets] with the information described.

We recommend that you send it out as soon as possible.

If you've never done press work before, here are some suggestions:

- Email or fax this press release to your local TV stations, radio stations, and newspapers.

- Follow up with a phone call to those same media outlets and make sure they know that your group is gearing up for a big march in Washington on January 27.

- Provide one or two individuals who can be media contacts. Have in mind the most important one or two points you want to make to the general public about these issues, and hammer those points over and over again with each media outlet.
- Make a follow up phone call to the media outlet the day before your event.  Ask them if they have any questions or need another copy of the press release.

Include anything that might grab the media's attention, e.g. are military families or veterans part of your delegation? Religious leaders? People who've never come to a national demonstration before? Members who have attended many previous demonstrations?

I can provide you with a list of press contacts for your state. We have contacts for radio, television, weekly newspaper, and daily newspapers here at the national office. Please email me if you would like to receive a copy of these contacts!

You can also email me with your Jan 27th plans... We will post them on the website.
Call me if you have any questions!


Betsy Reznicek

VFP National Office

Betsy Reznicek
Communications and Outreach Coordinator
Veterans For Peace
314-725-6005 Ext 102

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."
- Malcolm X


Subject: [XXX YOUR CHAPTER] members to Join National Peace March on January 27


Local Contact: [XXX Name of contact, phone number, cell phone number if different]            

March on Washington Next Step in National

Surge of Opposition to Iraq War Escalation


[XXX YOUR CHAPTER] members plan to join massive peace march on January 27

[XXX your city and state]—Bush’s announcement of plans to escalate the war in Iraq has spurred a groundswell of opposition across the country. On Thursday, January 11 anti-war protests took place in more than 1,000 communities. The peace surge will escalate with a major national march on Washington on Saturday, January 27 to push Congress to stand up to the Bush Administration and bring the war to a close. [your city] residents, along with millions of people throughout the United States, say it’s time to end the Iraq war and will join others from every corner of the country to tell Congress and the White House: De-escalate the war and bring the troops home now.

[Quote from local organizer. For example: “As a member of Veterans For Peace, we say Bring Our Troops Home Now!  No one knows more how unjust war is than veterans.  President Bush owes it to the soldiers, families, and Iraqis to end this unjust war.”  OR “It's unbelievable that after the voters, the soldiers, and the Iraqis said they want an end to this war, President Bush is going to escalate it. All they’ve done is increase resentment and violence in Iraq. Congress needs to follow the will of the voters, take bold action, and cut off the funds for both Bush’s escalation and the war as a whole.” said [xxx your spokesperson’s name] of [XXX your group name].Nearly four years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, a majority of Americans polled believe it’s time to end the war.  According to two January polls, 62% believe launching the Iraq war was a mistake, 70% oppose an increase of troop levels, and 54% say we should withdraw all troops immediately or within a year. More than 3,000 U.S. soldiers have been killed in the war and nearly 23,000 have been wounded; according to Johns Hopkins researchers, Iraqi civilian deaths number in the hundreds of thousands.  The war's cost is approaching $360 billion--money that could have been spent on education, housing for Katrina evacuees, healthcare and other basic human needs.

The Saturday, January 27 peace march and rally are being organized by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), a national antiwar coalition with more than 1,400 member groups, including [XXX name of your group]. The weekend's activities will also include a veterans’ event on January 25 to defend the Constitution, an interfaith religious service for peace the afternoon of January 27, and a day of meetings with members of Congress on Monday, January 29. More information about the January 27-29 activities is on the web at

Buses have been planned from more than 20 states and 72 cities, including from as far away as Milwaukee, WI. Car caravans and peace trains will be heading to Washington, DC from all over the East Coast, the Midwest and the Southeast.The three days of actions will send a clear message to Congress: The Iraq war must end. It's time to bring all the troops home.


# # #


Veterans For Peace is a national organization founded in 1985. It is structured around a national office in Saint Louis, MO and comprised of members across the country organized in chapters or as at-large members. The organization includes men and women veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, other conflicts and peacetime veterans. Our collective experience tells us wars are easy to start and hard to stop and that those hurt are often the innocent. Thus, other means of problem solving are necessary.

Veterans For Peace:


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Media Contacts for Vets & Other Peaceful Folks

Here is a list of all the media contacts around the state for letters to the editor, radio shows, etc. I look forward to seeing your letters on peace.

Media Contacts

If you would like to contribute to the following blogs, just send an email to

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Peace Summit - Cheryl's

See you at 4:30 today, Saturday, 1/13

3925 Borland Dr, Anchorage, AK 99517

From Northern Lights go south on Turnagain Blvd E and turn right on Bennet Dr. Take the 2nd left on to Borland Dr.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Murtha's Plan to Stop Bush
01/12/2007 @ 12:04am

Murtha's Plan to Stop Bush
by The Nation

At a hearing on Iraq today convened by the Congressional Progressive
Caucus, Congressman Jack Murtha offered a preview of how he plans to
rein in the Bush Administration, from the perch of his chairmanship
of the Defense Subcommittee on the House Appropriations Committee.

Murtha announced his intention to use the power of the purse try and
close US prisons at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, eliminate the
signing statements President Bush uses to secretly expand executive
power and restrict the building of permanent bases in Iraq.

And starting February 17, Murtha will begin holding "extensive
hearings" to block an escalation of the war in Iraq and ultimately
redeploy US troops out of the conflict. Murtha predicts that a non-
binding resolution criticizing Bush's expansion of the war would pass
the Congress by a two to one vote. But he believes that only money,
not words, will get the President's attention.

When he receives the Bush Administration's $100 billion supplemental
spending request for Iraq on February 5, Murtha says "they'll have to
justify every cent they want." He'll insist that no money be
allocated for an escalation unless the military can meet normal
readiness levels. "We should not spend money to send people overseas
unless they replenish the strategic reserve," Murtha says. He expects
to have one hundred and twenty days to act before the Administration
deploys the second phase of additional troops to Iraq. "If he wants
to veto the bill," Murtha says of Bush, "he won't have any money."

Asked whether Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi supports his plans,
Murtha responded: "Absolutely."

Allies of the President claim that the war effort should not be
"micromanaged." But Murtha says that's exactly what is necessary as
the US reaches its fourth year in Iraq. "The Defense Department needs
to be micromanaged," he says. "They have been out of control."

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Iraq Letter to the Editor


Here is a letter I just submitted to papers across the state. I urge you to write as well.

Cheney’s War Plans

By now the administration will have pushed for a troop surge in Iraq. Congress will be effectively boxed in a corner. If they agree to a surge, we will be “Staying the Course” (to where?). If they don’t agree to a surge, whatever happens in Iraq after this will be blamed on Congress for not supporting the surge that would “win” the war. By the way, what side are we on?

Troop levels in Bagdad were increased by 12,000 last summer. As we approach the 4th year of our occupation, the bloodshed is getting worse. I know we don’t want to abandon the Iraqis caught in the middle of this increasing cycle of violence. But, honestly, do we really know what we can do about it, if anything?

I’m angry that every day young U.S. soldiers and Iraqis of all ages suffer and die while our politicians evade the consequences of these failed policies. These policies originate in a violent and flawed vision of our great nation’s potential in the world.

Our guilt about allowing this mess to happen in the first place cannot paralyze us from leaving when it is time. BRING ‘EM HOME.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Getting the Middle East Back on Our Side

This is a thoughtful and thought-provoking piece

OPINION | January 4, 2007

Op-Ed Contributor: 
Getting the Middle East Back on Our Side

What is at stake is not only Iraq and the stability of the Middle East, but the global perception of the reliability of the United States as a partner in a deeply troubled world.

Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company | Privacy Policy

Monday, January 01, 2007

Veterans for Peace, Local Chapter Meeting 1/11 7 pm Istanbul Cafe

Vets, Supporters of Vets & Peace Seekers,

We greet the New Year with renewed determination to stop this insane war.

Interested in working with the Anchorage chapter of Vets for Peace (national website: You do not need to be a vet to be a member. We are open to all folks who would like to leverage the voice of veterans on war. Let me know if you would like to go on my chapter mailing list.

We will meet on Thursday, Jan. 11 at 7 pm in the Istanbul Café. Since we are growing we needed a bigger place to meet and we wanted to circulate around town so that more folks can learn that we exist and that there are people working for peace right here. I will send out an agenda before the meeting. The last meeting in January will be on the 25th at the Golden Corral (the buffet place on C near Tudor).


Istanbul Cafe

640 W 36th Ave
Anchorage, AK 99503
(907) 561-0424

Get directions

My blogs—If you would like to post to either of these send my an email and I will add you to the list of folks who can post.