Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Iraq Letter to the Editor


Here is a letter I just submitted to papers across the state. I urge you to write as well.

Cheney’s War Plans

By now the administration will have pushed for a troop surge in Iraq. Congress will be effectively boxed in a corner. If they agree to a surge, we will be “Staying the Course” (to where?). If they don’t agree to a surge, whatever happens in Iraq after this will be blamed on Congress for not supporting the surge that would “win” the war. By the way, what side are we on?

Troop levels in Bagdad were increased by 12,000 last summer. As we approach the 4th year of our occupation, the bloodshed is getting worse. I know we don’t want to abandon the Iraqis caught in the middle of this increasing cycle of violence. But, honestly, do we really know what we can do about it, if anything?

I’m angry that every day young U.S. soldiers and Iraqis of all ages suffer and die while our politicians evade the consequences of these failed policies. These policies originate in a violent and flawed vision of our great nation’s potential in the world.

Our guilt about allowing this mess to happen in the first place cannot paralyze us from leaving when it is time. BRING ‘EM HOME.

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