Tuesday, April 08, 2008

FW: [Fwd: Request to Show "Body of War" in Anchorage]


I am forwarding a message I received from a local vet who is interested in
working with veterans. I am leaving town on Apr. 10 for a couple of weeks.
If any of you are interested in the suggested direction, please contact
Barbara. Why don't we shoot for a meeting in early May to just touch base
and see if we have any ideas on which to work.

My friend Harry Brod is working with Move-On to get to the congressional
delegation on the cost of the war sometime in April--watch for it.

-----Original Message-----
From: barbara@efn.org [mailto:barbara@efn.org]
Subject: [Fwd: Request to Show "Body of War" in Anchorage]

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Request to Show "Body of War" in Anchorage
From: barbara@efn.org
Date: Wed, March 26, 2008 9:19 pm
To: info@bodyofwar.com
Cc: barbara@efn.org

Hello all,

I am a service-connected disabled veteran (at 40% due to orthopedic
problems) living in Anchorage. The Veterans clinic here (we have no VA
hospital) grossly under serves or just plain does not serve the many Alaska
veterans I have come to know or know about. In particular, I am concerned
about women veterans who experience military service and sexual trauma,
while on active duty, differently from veterans who are men. I have a heart
for the many women veterans who experienced PTSD due to MST (military sexual
trauma) and who have disappeared themselves, largely due to their inability
to arrange VA treatment and compassion because of their invisible wounds and
injuries. Many of these veterans simply cannot manage to put their lives
back together on their own; they just need assistance in arranging the
services they need. The Anchorage VA is just awful.

The circumstance for these women is a problem in my state, but also in our
country. Many women cannot cope after initial attempts at the VA are
followed by humiliating and disrespectful behaviors from VA staff members,
"patient advocates", service organizations, our congressional delegation,
etc.. I haven't even mentioned the misinformation that some VA personnel
perpetrate, so veterans will go away.

In response to all of this, I am working with the Anchorage Small Business
Administration to develop my business. We agree that women are not treated
equitably at the VA and that this is harming a significant number of
returning veterans.

Last evening I learned about the film "Body of War" while listening to
Democracy Now. I was "blown away" as kids say these days. Now I wonder
whether we (me and others in Alaska) could put together a plan for Tomas
(Phil and others?) to visit Anchorage, give a presentation, and show the
remarkable film "Body of War". Such a program would be a fabulous experience
for many of us who who strongly oppose the war (the winners in our primary
elections were Barak Obama and Ron Paul). Not only would this be informative
about something we as voters must know, but it could also serve as a way to
raise money for the many veterans' unmet needs. Does this sound do-able?

I'd like to hear back from you after you are able to consider my request.
I think it is terrific idea that would "work" in Alaska.

Thank you very much, Barbara Bachmeier

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