Monday, April 09, 2007

VFP Agenda for April 12 Meeting, 7 PM St. Mary's

Here is our agenda for Thursday, 4/12, meeting. There is a lot to discuss as we try to figure out how to focus our efforts to helping build the opposition to the war. One of our members passed this on to me—sorry about the late notice.

“Do you mind if we invite Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Hillary Clinton to talk with MoveOn members about Iraq in your living room? (OK, they'll be in about 1,000 other living rooms at the same time, but it's still unlike any other political gathering that's ever happened before).

It's the first ever MoveOn Virtual Town Hall Meeting. Those candidates and others1 will connect to living room around the country through an interactive webcast (or by speakerphone). MoveOn members will ask them tough questions about where they stand on the war in Iraq. As a group, you'll discuss what you hear and later, you'll vote for the candidate you think is best on this critical issue.

With the president stubbornly threatening to veto any timeline to end the war, what better time to engage the people who would succeed him in the White House about the mess in Iraq? We know there are people in Anchorage who'd like to participate, but first we need someone to host. Can you spare your living room for a couple hours on Tuesday, April 10th? Click here to sign up:”

Ernest Gruening Chapter (Southcentral Alaska), Meeting Agenda

Thursday, Apr. 12, 7 pm, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Tudor & Lake Otis, Room 3 (downstairs)

  1. Introductions & Discuss Agenda
  2. Chapter Business-Finances
  3. Working with the Media-Lisa
  4. Recent Events
    1. Dahr Jamail

i. Dahr Talk 96K 41.9 MB & Q & A 96K 43.5 MB

    1. Why We Are Fighting A War For Oil--Antonia Juhasz (

i. Antonia’s Lecture 128K 39.63 MB & Q & A 128K 58.38 MB

    1. Improbable Collapse-9/11 film—I personally think we need to focus on the war right before our eyes rather than shadowy conspiracies.
    2. Truth in Recruiting-Update
  1. Upcoming Events
    1. April 13th or 20th – Film on homeless vets

i. "When I Came Home" ( )



    1. Mondays, 6-7 pm - Planning events with other groups at Café Felix
  1. Sponsorship of Films-Sub-committee
    1. "Taking the Hill" (

i. About 50 vets who ran for congress in 2004

  1. Pressure on Congressional Delegation- What can we do?
    1. Both Stevens & Murkowski voted against limits on troops in Iraq

i. Demonstrate monthly outside their offices

ii. Collect signatures?

1. How would this be worded?

2. Anybody have experience doing this?

iii. Occupy their offices?

  1. Support for families
    1. Potential for get together with Military Families Speak Out (MFSO)
  2. Next Meeting on April. 26 (2nd and 4th Thursday of every month)

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