Sunday, April 01, 2007

VFP Meeting 4/12 Draft Agenda

Veterans & Supporters of Veterans,


I wanted everyone to have a chance to review this draft agenda before I finalize it for next week? I think one of the big items is how we can keep the pressure on our congressional delegation that is in agenda item #6 below. Send me your thoughts.


Ernest Gruening Chapter (Southcentral Alaska), Meeting Agenda

Thursday, Apr. 12, 7 pm, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Tudor & Lake Otis, Room 3 (downstairs)


  1. Introductions & Discuss Agenda
  2. Chapter Business
    1. Finances
  3. Recent Events
    1. Dahr Jamail

                                                   i.     MP3 Dahr Talk 96K 41.9 MB

                                                  ii.     MP3 Q & A 96K 43.5 MB

    1. Why We Are Fighting A War For Oil--Antonia Juhasz (

                                                    i.     Antonia did a great job of connecting the dots (listen for yourself on these links)

                                                  ii.     MP3 Antonia’s Lecture 128K 39.63 MB

                                                iii.     MP3 Antonia's Q & A 128K 58.38 MB

    1. Improbable Collapse

                                                    i.     9/11 film—I personally think we need to focus on the war right before our eyes rather than shadowy conspiracies.

    1. Truth in Recruiting
  1. Upcoming Events
    1. April 13th or 20th

                                                    i.     Film "When I Came Home" ( )

                                                  ii.     About homeless vets

    1. Step It Up (Global Warming) April 14, Saturday, 12 Noon
    2. Mondays, 6-7 pm

                                                    i.     Planning meetings for events with other groups at Café Felix

  1. Sponsorship of Films
    1. Sub-committee

                                                    i.     "Taking the Hill" (

                                                  ii.     About 50 vets who ran for congress in 2004

  1. Pressure on Congressional Delegation
    1. Both Stevens & Murkowski voted against limits on troops in Iraq
    2. What can we do?

                                                    i.     Demonstrate monthly outside their offices

                                                  ii.     Collect signatures?

1.     How would this be worded?

2.     Anybody have experience doing this?

                                                iii.     Occupy their offices?

  1. Support for families
    1. Potential for get together with Military Families Speak Out (MFSO)
  2. Next Meeting on April. 26 (2nd and 4th Thursday of every month)



Jon Lockert


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