Thursday, March 22, 2007

Minutes of VFP Meeting, 3/22

We had a lively meeting tonight with lots of discussion about the peace rally on the 17th and where we should go from here. There was support for a film series focused on war and its aftermath. A subcommittee will present ideas at the next meeting.


We all agreed that we need to work harder and get more creative to get our message of Peace out to the public. Ed C. recommended buying the spot in the Anch. Daily News occupied by Voice of the Times. As conservative as the paper has been on the war, it is time to get a consistently progressive voice in the daily paper. We will be contacting the Soros Foundation for a matching grant (only $500 K).



  1. Friday, March 23, 7-9 p.m.
    1. Why We Are Fighting A War For Oil--Antonia Juhasz (
    2. Anchorage Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship, 3201 Turnagain Blvd.
  2. Monday, March 26, 6-7 pm

                                                    i.     Planning meetings for events with other groups at CafĂ© Felix (Benson Blvd)


Welcome to new member Ed C. I finally got Bill G.’s email added to my list. Denise G. checked us out for the first time.


Jon Lockert


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