Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Veterans for Peace Meeting, Thursday, Mar.22

I have also attached this as word doc.


Ernest Gruening Chapter (Southcentral Alaska), Meeting Agenda

Thursday, Mar. 22, 7 pm, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Tudor & Lake Otis, Room 3 (downstairs)


  1. Introductions & Discuss Agenda
  2. Chapter Business
    1. Finances
  3. Recent Events
    1. March 17

                                                    i.     4th anniversary of the U.S. military assault on Iraq and the beginning of what has turned into one of this nation's longest military engagements.

                                                  ii.     What next?

                                                iii.     Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s support for the war??

    1. March 20 – Blood Drive
  1. Upcoming Events
    1. Friday, March 23, 7-9 p.m.

                                                    i.     Why We Are Fighting A War For Oil--Antonia Juhasz (

                                                  ii.     Anchorage Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship, 3201 Turnagain Blvd.

    1. Monday, March 26, 6-7 pm

                                                    i.     Planning meetings for events with other groups at Café Felix (Benson Blvd)

  1. Support for families
    1. Potential for get together with Military Families Speak Out (MFSO)
  2. Truth in Recruiting/GI Rights- Cheryl Hilmes
    1. Need committee to meet with folks already doing this
  3. Sponsorship of Films
    1. April 13th or 20th

                                                    i.     "When I Came Home" ( )

                                                  ii.     About homeless vets

                                                iii.     Let’s look into co-sponsoring with other Veterans groups

    1. Date?

                                                    i.     "Taking the Hill" (

                                                  ii.     About 50 vets who ran for congress in 2004

  1. Strategic Plan
    1. Exec committee
  2. Next Meeting on April. 12 (2nd and 4th Thursday of every month)


Jon Lockert

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