Sunday, March 04, 2007

Veterans for Peace Meeting, Thursday, Mar. 8

Meeting Notice


Veterans for Peace, Ernest Gruening Chapter (South Central Alaska) will meet on Mar. 8 at 7 pm downstairs in Room 3 at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church at Tudor & Lake Otis. The meeting will cover planning for events on Mar. 17 surrounding the 4th Anniv. of the start of the Iraq War and the Blood Drive on Mar. 20. Could I impose on one of the officers to draw up an agenda. I have attached the one from last meeting?


I am leaving town tonight, Sun. Mar. 4 to visit my mother who just got home from the hospital with good prospects for recovery. I hope to sleep on the red eye to Chicago after doing the Tour of Anchorage today. I will be returning on Sunday, Mar. 11. We will have a full week getting ready for the 17/20th .


I have been invited to appear on CC’s afternoon show Cutting Edge (from 2 to 4 pm on KUDO, 1080 AM). I want to talk about the nature of the civil war in Iraq and why we think it is a good idea not to get in the middle of someone else’s civil war. I would love to have someone appear on the show with me who is knowledgeable about Iraq, no matter what their opinion on the war is. If you know someone please put them in contact with me.


** We have a standing meeting time and place: the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at St. Mary’s.—SO MARK YOUR CALENDARS



Jon Lockert

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